miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

The Anglo-Saxon language: the most demanded language by Spanish companies in 2012

This well-known economic crisis in which we are still immersed has made international markets the salvation for the biggest companies in Spain. And all this thanks to English and our international relationships. In 2012, English has been the most demanded language by Spanish companies, far from French, German or Chinese. Undoubtedly, English is the language that controls the world of business and it is still seen as an indispensable requirement for more than the 80% of job offers. Most of the biggest companies in our country agree that they look for talented people supporting diversity, efficiency and professionalism.

On the one hand, the knowledge of English is one of the requirements with highest importance in business and the world of banking and investments. On the other hand, English language is viewed favourably in other fields, such as international customer service. In general, sectors which have a greater degree of internationalization are the ones with a higher demand of foreign languages. That is the case of groups such as, energy resources, industry and teaching, thanks to which there has been a rise in the offer of bilingual centres to learn English as a second language.