English: Have we found a solution to the economic crisis?
In Spain,
one of the obstacles to emigrate and travel abroad in search of a good job is
the fear to learn foreign languages. Even
when in many cases moving to another country is probably the only way out to
this situation. In our region a survey has been done and the results show that
more than the 60% of the people who help in this study say that they would
travel abroad in search of a good job if they had good levels of English. Other
70% think that a better level of this language would help Spain to finish
sooner with the economic crisis. But, why don’t we feel confident when speaking
English? Many linguists agree that it has to do with the type of education we
have received, so in order to have future sons and grandsons with a good
command of English or other foreign languages we have to learn from our
neighbour, Portugal
and stop dubbing films and TV series into Spanish. At least by doing that,
people would get used to English and that would improve their level of auditive