The only thing which would help to change the main language of the Web
into another one could be if Europe were more
powerful than the States, so other languages such as German, French or Spanish
would increase in importance. Maybe all these three wouldn’t be global
languages, but there could be an agreement and make one of them the universal
one, or constructing a new language for international communication.
The truth is that English is the predominant language on the Internet
because the creators of this nowadays useful and essential tool were speakers
of English. But this language is not only related to the world on Internet, but
also to the wide world of new technologies. Stop and wonder “which new
technological things or devices are directly related to the English world?”
Have you realized? Our personal computer or laptop, the buttons of switching on
and off electrical appliances, radios, mobile phones, and a long and almost
endless list are mainly English language oriented.