At this time of economical crisis knowing
a foreign language has become an essential tool to find a job. Why is it so
important? Because most of the job offers in any country of the world and even
in Spain ask for people who know at least one foreign language. In fact, an 80%
of the offers want candidates with a good command of English.
It is for that reason why nowadays
there is a high demand of foreign language courses, above all English ones.
Spanish people can go to different conferences or language fairs where they
will find information about a great range of academies, languages schools,
exchange communities, language books, etc. One of the most important in the
country has taken place this year 2013 in Madrid “Primera Feria Internacional
de Idiomas en el Extranjero’.
At this fair we could hear experts
saying that in the last 30 years most of the people who start learning a new
language are 25 years old or older. They spend some living in a English
speaking country or take advantage of being unemployed to start studying a
foreign language because they think that is good in order to find better jobs.
If you decide to go next year to the
‘Segunda Feria Internacional…’ you will find English courses for children, for
university students, or for different
specialties such as business English, computer science English, etc. And what
is more, during the ‘feria’ people will have the possibility to assist to
debates, conferences about jobs, and other activities focused on the learning
of a foreign language.