martes, 25 de junio de 2013

The importance of knowing English in a globalized world

Speaking English has changed from being an alternative to being an essential requirement if we want to get a job, whether we want to work in our country or abroad.
Nowadays English is the most spread and spoken language in the world. More than 350 millions of people speak it as mother tongue, while the British Government thinks that at the end of the year 2014 more than 2000 million people will be studying it as a second or foreign language. Taking into account these figures we calculate that in a decade 3000 million people would be studying English what would mean that the half of the planet will speak English.
The importance of English is obvious even in the personal field, since almost the 80% of the information stored electronically is in English and of all the Internet users more than 30 million of them communicate using the language spoken by Shakespeare.
So that, given the significance of this language in the world now it is time for English teachers and education ministry to motivate people and above all youngsters and children to study one of the languages which will open the doors of success when they will start looking for a job.

jueves, 13 de junio de 2013

Spanish language is becoming less important than Enghish in the Field of Medicine

If we think about the Spanish we daily use we find many terms taken from English and which are known as ‘anglicismos’. That is going to be a problem for Spanish scientists who will have to learn English compulsorily before becoming medicine researchers. But we can change that problem into an advantage if we Spanish people start learning English. What that means is that the better level of English we have the greatest number of Iberian scientists; and if there are many researchers who speak Spanish among themselves probably other people would try to learn Cervantes’ language to communicate with them. So that, learning English would be a great help for Spanish to be spread around the world.

viernes, 7 de junio de 2013

English for those who look for a job

At this time of economical crisis knowing a foreign language has become an essential tool to find a job. Why is it so important? Because most of the job offers in any country of the world and even in Spain ask for people who know at least one foreign language. In fact, an 80% of the offers want candidates with a good command of English.
It is for that reason why nowadays there is a high demand of foreign language courses, above all English ones. Spanish people can go to different conferences or language fairs where they will find information about a great range of academies, languages schools, exchange communities, language books, etc. One of the most important in the country has taken place this year 2013 in Madrid “Primera Feria Internacional de Idiomas en el Extranjero’.
At this fair we could hear experts saying that in the last 30 years most of the people who start learning a new language are 25 years old or older. They spend some living in a English speaking country or take advantage of being unemployed to start studying a foreign language because they think that is good in order to find better jobs.
If you decide to go next year to the ‘Segunda Feria Internacional…’ you will find English courses for children, for university students,  or for different specialties such as business English, computer science English, etc. And what is more, during the ‘feria’ people will have the possibility to assist to debates, conferences about jobs, and other activities focused on the learning of a foreign language.

martes, 4 de junio de 2013

Descargue gratis el último número de Formación Universitaria Digital

La revista Formación Universitaria Digital le ayudará conocer las profesiones con más empleo en el ámbito internacional. En el último número podrá encontrar un mapa detallado en el que se recogen los países con más oportunidades y las áreas laborales más demandadas.
Además, incluye una lista de consejos y técnicas que facilitarán la búsqueda de trabajo dentro y fuera de España. La competitividad del mercado laboral actual ha propiciado la utilización de nuevos métodos para buscarr empleo. Este es el caso del coaching, un entrenamiento personalizado que incrementa las posibilidades de encontrar trabajo.
La realización de prácticas tras la formación es una de las mejores formas de adquirir experiencia e iniciar la carrera profesional. En este número de la revista podrá conocer el testimonio de alumnos que han realizado prácticas a través del Servicio de Gestión Profesional de Formación Universitaria.
Si desea ampliar la información pulse aquí y descargue la revista de forma gratuita.