miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013
English as a global and international language. A good or bad thing?

viernes, 25 de enero de 2013
Is it really English an easy language?

jueves, 17 de enero de 2013
Tips to learn English

lunes, 14 de enero de 2013
Why learn English?

You can have access to whatever information you are interested in, it does not matter whether it is about computers, health, science, music, cinema, etc., since most of that information is in English. If you want to have a good job related to the world of science or technology learning English is one of the most important things you can start studying right now. And the excellent news is that this is one of the easiest languages you can learn: adjectives are always the same without change of gender, and we express the plural of nouns only by adding a –s or –es at the end of the words. Are you eager to start learning English?
viernes, 4 de enero de 2013
English and music
Could you imagine living in a world in which music does not exist?
Wedding march, national anthems and folk music would have never existed, and as
a result our lives would be sadder and we could not escape from problems by
listening chill out music or “travelling” to distant lands or listening to rock
music in order to cheer us up and feeling stronger.
But apart from all that, music is a very good and motivating tool if
what we want is learning, practice and improve a foreign (an even native)
language. Imagine today is Saturday and you have been the whole week studying
English grammar at school, the best way to engraved all that on your mind ever
since is spending the weekend by listening to music. Doing that you review
vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, and deals with different topics and social
issues as you know most songs are about.
So that, you know what you have to do know; turn up your speakers and start learning English with music.
Descarga gratis el último número de la revista Formación Universitaria Digital
El número de enero de la revista Formación Universitaria
Digital ya se encuentra disponible bajo el titulo “Hazte visible al empleo”. En
esta ocasión contiene información útil para potenciar las posibilidades de
acceder al puesto de trabajo que deseamos.
Según Adecco, el 80% de los españoles utiliza la Red como
plataforma para encontrar empleo. Muchas empresas usan Internet y las redes
sociales para ofrecer puestos de trabajo y conocer mejor a sus candidatos.
Saber utilizar de forma correcta estas herramientas puede situarnos en una
posición privilegiada.
Además, te ayudamos a descubrir cuáles son las profesiones
con más proyección de futuro para que adaptes tu formación a las necesidades
actuales del mercado laboral.
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